Current date/time is Tue Oct 15, 2024 6:56 pm

  • To Begin With...

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    Everything you need to know to start off at Aegnor!
    Moderator: Moderators
    2 Topics
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    Sat Jan 31, 2009 3:02 am
    Helena Ecco Aegnor Site Rules
  • Announcements

    Check here for notices from your Admins and Mods.

    <3 Shini and Eev
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  • Character Registration

    Please complete and post an application before you start posting in-character.

    The Cannon Character List and Face Claim are in here too!
    19 Topics
    58 Posts
    Fri Feb 27, 2009 9:35 pm
    Aki Amaya Ostradum (redone)
  • Pending Applications

    Once you've completed your application, post it here.

    1 Topics
    2 Posts
    Fri Feb 27, 2009 9:35 pm
    Aki Amaya Ostradum (redone)
  • 1 Topics
    4 Posts
    Wed Feb 11, 2009 9:36 pm
    Aki Amaya Ostradum
  • Accepted Applications

    Welcome to Aegnor!

    14 Topics
    43 Posts
    Thu Feb 19, 2009 12:31 am
    Khiyyi Xzav Iara Avani Verdis
  • Administration

    Last Posts
  • 9 Topics
    16 Posts
    Fri Feb 13, 2009 5:23 pm
    June Korrander Living with the Enemy
  • Offered Classes

    See which classes are currently offered at Aegnor.

    3 Topics
    3 Posts
    Thu Feb 05, 2009 7:33 pm
    Khiyyi Xzav Living with the Enemy
  • Class Rosters and Sign-up

    Add your name to the roster of the classes you want to take.

    3 Topics
    10 Posts
    Fri Feb 13, 2009 5:23 pm
    June Korrander Living with the Enemy
  • Gradebooks

    This is where professors keep track of the class grades.

    3 Topics
    3 Posts
    Thu Feb 05, 2009 7:36 pm
    Khiyyi Xzav Living with the Enemy
  • Clubs and Teams

    Rosters and information for Aegnor's clubs.  Sign up for some extracurricular activities or maybe start your own club!

    2 Topics
    6 Posts
    Mon Feb 09, 2009 9:08 pm
    Guinevere Kelsun Dueling Club
  • Teacher's Lounge

    A comfortable hideout for Aegnor's staff.  Several couches line the walls and a bulletin board for the professors hangs beside the door.  Students aren't supposed to enter.

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  • Teacher's Bulletin Board

    A place for announcements and notes to Aegnor's professors.

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  • Students' Bulletin Board

    A place for announcements and notes to Aegnor's students.
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  • Aegnor Grounds

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  • Lake

    An expansive body of clear water that stretches out in a nearly perfect rectangle from the school's entrance.

    A favorite spot of Water students who want to hone their skills and any other students who enjoy a good swim. 

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  • Garden

    A fertile stretch of land at the far end of the lake that houses two greenhouses and several plots of vegetables and flowers.

    Many Earth students enjoy spending time amongst the dirt and boulders of the garden, working on their particular abilities.  Other nature-minded students can be found about the place, and it's a notoriously good place for romantic rendezvous.

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  • Apple Orchard

    An ancient grove of trees that was originally started when the school was born, with each new generation of students adding to it.  It grows along the far bank of the lake and is surrounded by a low wooden fence.

    The hundreds of rustling leaves on the trees and the ground make this a great place for Wind students to learn their craft in an incredibly visually appealing way.  In the fall the apple trees are covered in delicious red fruit that students and staff alike can't resist.

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  • Metal Graveyard

    A large towering pile of scrap that's accumulated over the last couple of centuries.  It's precarious to those who aren't careful, but when sunsets hit the glimmering scrap metal, the view is particularly magnificent.

    This conglomeration is the perfect spot for Metal students to work on their skills, and the sparks from flying metal can often be seen even from the top of Aegnor's towers.

    1 Topics
    12 Posts
    Mon Feb 16, 2009 3:38 am
    Fletcher Ostradum Miss never let a man interfere. *DEAD*
  • Competition Stadium

    A Coliseum-styled stadium which hosts Aegnor's many competitions, including the annual school duel-off in which the strongest student in the school is crowned after several rounds of grueling fights.

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  • The Rooftops

    The breezy rooftops of the Aegnor castle are well-trodden by its students, despite the fact that most of its reaches are technically off limits.

    A large roped-off, gently sloping section of the roof is set aside for the express use of Air students for their studies.  The mellow breezes can be stirred and manipulated by these students, but when the roof is empty of tornadoes it also makes an excellent stargazing spot.

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  • The Entrance

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  • Entrance Hall

    Clean, immense, and shining, Aegnor's Entrance Hall is a shining example of Elessarian splendor.  A bustling hub of out of class students and staff, it is very rare that nothing is brewing in The Hall.

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  • Grand Ballroom

    Aegnor's ballroom is just as bright, intricate, and splendid as any you would find in the finest Elessarian mansion.  It is normally empty during school hours, but nearly every event on the campus takes place within the heavy doors of the ballroom.  Many clubs elect to hold their meetings in the ballroom as it can fit any number of students, no matter how great.

    1 Topics
    1 Posts
    Tue Feb 18, 2014 11:56 pm
    helowahid Aqa Law In Focus:as Level Simon Jackson
  • Aegnor Library

    The Aegnor library is both cozy and roomy with multitudes of stuffed bookshelves emanating in circles from a large clearing in the center of the room.  This clearing is cluttered with thick tables and thickly stuffed chairs, meant to make studying students as comfortable as possible.

    A small desk houses the librarian, who is entirely versed in each and every book contained in the library.

    1 Topics
    13 Posts
    Fri Feb 13, 2009 9:13 pm
    Samuel Weire On a dark desert highway... |Helena&Khiyyi|
  • Dining Hall

    A meeting place for the entire school at mealtimes.  The dining hall is as elaborate as the rest of the Aegnor entrance, and it fits the entire student body as well as the staff quite comfortably.  There is no seating designation in the dining hall, and whether students sit along with students in the same year or the same power group is entirely dependent on the student.

    1 Topics
    5 Posts
    Fri Feb 27, 2009 8:53 pm
    Dulais Melwasúl food and friends and first days back {{open to all!}}
  • The Kitchen

    The roomy and well-stocked kitchen is staffed with some of the best Elessarian chefs on Vastarsis and supplies the students and staff with the nourishment that keeps them going.

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  • Students' Kitchen

    Smaller than the main kitchen, this is meant for the use of students who feel the need to prepare their own meals for pleasure or as part of one of Ms. Ecco's adventurous cooking classes.

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  • Offices

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  • Teachers' Offices

    A long corridor of offices that house Aegnor's teaching staff.  Each room is unique to the teacher that inhabits it, but most teachers keep themselves available to students by spending much of their free time in their respective offices.  When professors are feeling less social, they can usually be found in the Teacher's Lounge.

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  • Khiyyi Xzav's Office

    Unsurprisingly, Khiyyi's office is pretty open. Double french doors open onto a huge balcony that lets the wind dance through the room at will. How she found an office with a balcony, no one will ever know. The office itself is done in shades of yellow, warm and sunny. Inviting. Which is the completely opposite of its owner. Everything is neat and organized, put away in shelves and files. Her cabinets are locked so that students can't get into them and find out what their grade is. All in all, it's an elegant little office.
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  • Helena Ecco's Office

    Ms. Ecco's office is a cluttered conglomeration of shelves surrounding and equally messy, enormous desk.  The worn-in red velvet armchair behind the desk is where Ms. Ecco can be found when she's not climbing mountains, teaching class, or visiting the Ale house.  Several different sizes of alchemical apparatuses litter she shelves, along with frayed books and jars upon jars of alchemy ingredients.

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  • Personal Training Offices

    A conglomeration of small rooms meant to house students who wish to train themselves in a safer and more private manner than is offered out on the school grounds.

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  • The Clinic

    Been burned by a small fire?  Blown off the roof?  If your or somebody else's powers have gotten you hurt, this is the place to go.  Aegnor's nurse keeps the students healthy and happy despite the large number of accidents that occur when pubescent Elessarians get together in large groups.

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  • Headmistress' Office

    Aegnor's Headmistress keeps her office on the top floor of one of the school's many towers.

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  • Post Office of DOOM

    The precariously situated post office is regularly delivered by the Elessarian Air Post, an elite group of extremely talented Air-powered individuals.  It gets its frightening name from the dangerous lingering wind tunnels that the Air Post leave behind.

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  • Learning center

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  • Classrooms

    The main purpose of the learning center.  Each class has a large room designated for its particular needs, and each is clearly marked to keep student from accidentally walking into a fire-throwing seminar.

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  • Living with the Enemy Classroom

    The classroom is completely different from Khiyyi's office. This place is painted in shades of purple and everything is different from normal Elessarian classes. She sometimes stuffs the room with too many desks and then other times there won't be enough. No one knows why that is. Although the most interesting thing about the room is the way Khiyyi has decorated it. She's collected a ton of posters from human schools and pasted them all over the walls, she's put up advertisements that she can get a hold of on the windows and pictures of houses sit in frames on shelves. The shelves, for that matter, are all stuffed with books and material that normal humans have written or made. It's a very unique room to walk into and sometimes students experience culture shock.
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  • Study of Alchemy Classroom

    Unlike her office, Ms. Ecco keeps her classroom almost frighteningly neat so as to minimize the possibility of students accidentally mixing volatile ingredients and exploding the room.  There is a large chalkboard along one wall and six large tables facing the board, each with six chairs behind them.  Large shelves take up the remaining three walls, leaving only a small space for the classroom's door.  These shelves are packed with neatly organized alchemical instruments and reagents.

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  • Training Rooms

    Much more heavily padded and protected than the classrooms, these rooms are meant less for instruction and more for repetitive use of the more offensive Elessarian abilities.

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  • Learning Center Hallways

    The long and winding hallways connecting the classrooms and training rooms.  These hallways are a great place to run into other students and staff on their way around the school.

    1 Topics
    1 Posts
    Sat Feb 15, 2014 8:05 am
    helowahid Forum Proxy Leecher V1.11 Portable
  • 'Tower of Learning'

    A shining tower meant to be a beacon of learning and one of the first parts of Aegnor Castle to be built.  It was named by Arafin Melwasúl herself and now houses the Astrology and Astronomy classrooms.

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  • Sleeping quarters

    Last Posts
  • Sleeping Quarters Hallways

    The hallways connecting the various living quarters of the students and staff.  One of the safest places for students from different years to meet each other after hours without being caught.

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  • Sleeping Quarters Stairs

    The small stairwells of the Sleeping Quarters that connect the separate levels of the Commons.  Another prime meeting spot where you won't likely be overheard.

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  • The Washrooms

    Where students who don't have their own bathrooms come to take care of their hygiene.

    Also where students of all ages come to spread rumors about their fellow students as well as the staff.

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  • Boys' Washroom

    Boys only!

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  • Girls' Washroom

    Girls only!

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  • Lamalas Commons

    Located on the first floor of the Sleeping Quarters along with the Fingolfen Commons, the meeting place for those in their first year at Aegnor.  The Lamalas commons are decorated in light blue and gold, an air motif predominating the decoration.  An airy fireplace is always ready to be lit and a handful of large powder blue chairs and sofas surround the hearth.  Doors on opposite sides of the commons lead to the boys' and girls' dorms.

    The light blue walls have pictures, posters and drawings from previous generations littering them.   Luckily it's a thin smattering so it's still possible to enjoy the original scheme of the wall.  However, the fact that past generations have lived in the castle is evident by the carved initials in the windowsills.  There's even a hidden compartment behind the mantle over the fireplace.  Not everyone knows about it, but those who do can find treasures from generations past.  The windows are larger than the windows in Fingolfen, offering more sunlight and the curtains are very thin and do little to really block the view outside, offering a more airy atmosphere.
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  • Lamalas Girls' Dormitory

    The air motif continues into the girls' dormitory, which features two sets of breeze-patterned twin bunk beds and a single lone twin bed.  A blue and gold dresser sits at the foot of each bed.

    Girls only!

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  • Lamalas Boys' Dormitory

    The air motif continues into the boys' dormitory, which features two sets of tornado-patterned twin bunk beds and a single lone twin bed.  A blue and gold dresser sits at the foot of each bed.

    Boys only!

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  • Fingolfen Commons

    Located on the first floor of the Sleeping Quarters along with the Lamalas Commons, this room is the meeting place for those in their second year at Aegnor.  The Fingolfen commons are decorated in green and earthy brown, an earth motif predominating the decoration.  A roughly carved fireplace is always ready to be lit and a handful of large tree-patterned chairs and sofas surround the hearth.  Doors on opposite sides of the commons lead to the boys' and girls' dorms.

    Some time ago a student appears to have attempted to start a garden on one of the large windowsills.   The plants still live to this day, reacting to any attention given to them from Earth elements.  Here the walls are still pretty clean, although the room has the soft scent of warm earth lingering.  The plant-inhabited window has no curtains to draw, although the other windows do, which gives the room a slightly eerie look in the early morning.  On the ceiling there is a prominent scorch mark from where one of the first students to ever grace Aegnor's halls lost his temper.  That was Arafin's son.
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  • Fingolfen Girls' Dormitory

    The earth motif continues into the girls' dormitory, which features two sets of leaf-patterned twin bunk beds and a single lone twin bed.  A green and brown dresser sits at the foot of each bed.

    Girls only!
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  • Fingolfen Boys' Dormitory

    The earth motif continues into the girls' dormitory, which features two sets of mountain-patterned twin bunk beds and a single lone twin bed.  A green and brown dresser sits at the foot of each bed.

    Boys only!
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  • Mablung Commons

    Located on the second floor of the Sleeping Quarters along with the Silmarwen Commons, this room is the meeting place for those in their third year at Aegnor.  The Mablung commons are larger than the commons on the lower floor and are decorated in deep blue and sea green, a watery motif predominating the decoration.  A foamy, shell-strewn fireplace is always ready to be lit and a handful of large ocean-patterned chairs and sofas surround the hearth.  Doors on opposite sides of the commons lead to the boys' and girls' dorms.

    The windows, though not nearly as large as the ones in Lamalas's commons, are nicely sized. Yet, instead of curtains, the panes of glass are slightly warped and tinted blue to give them a rather underwater appearance. On one wall there is an interior waterfall, which glistens beautifully when the sunlight reaches it. The Magblung commons is a far more peaceful one than the commons belonging to the two previous years. One thing of interest is the message scrawled between two windows. "If I am here now, writing this...How can you be there then, reading it?"
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  • Mablung Girls' Dormitory

    The water motif continues into the girls' dormitory, which is larger than the Lamalas and Fingolfen dorms and features two sets of cloud-patterned twin bunk beds and a single lone twin bed.  A blue and green dresser sits at the foot of each bed.

    Girls only!
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  • Mablung Boys' Dormitory

    The water motif continues into the boys' dormitory, which is larger than the Lamalas and Fingolfen dorms and features two sets of wave-patterned twin bunk beds and a single lone twin bed.  A blue and green dresser sits at the foot of each bed.

    Boys only!
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  • Silmarwen Commons

    Located on the second floor of the Sleeping Quarters along with the Mablung Commons, this room is the meeting place for those in their fourth year at Aegnor.  The Silmarwen commons are larger than the commons on the lower floor and are decorated in bright red and orange, a fiery motif predominating the decoration.  A red brick flame-framed fireplace is always ready to be lit and a handful of large fire-patterned chairs and sofas surround the hearth.  Doors on opposite sides of the commons lead to the boys' and girls' dorms.

    The windows are large in this room again so that the curtains make quite the impression, fluttering in gentle breezes like flames dancing merrily. They are thin and cut to look like flames at the bottom, however they are always warm to the touch. The walls here are again littered with images, this time actual photographs and, in the much older cases, paintings. If a student were to truly pay attention, they could see the passing of the ages on the walls. At night, every night, when the sunlight truly fades from the room the strangest of things happens. Hundreds of candles, which litter the room in out-of-the-way places and which usually go unnoticed during the day, are suddenly lit and they burn all through the night. What's strangest is the fact that every morning there are fresh candles waiting for evening.
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  • Silmarwen Girls' Dormitory

    The fire motif continues into the girls' dormitory, which is larger than the Lamalas and Fingolfen dorms and features two sets of sun-patterned twin bunk beds and a single lone twin bed.  A red and orange dresser sits at the foot of each bed.

    Girls only!
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  • Silmarwen Boys' Dormitory

    The flame motif continues into the boys' dormitory, which is larger than the Lamalas and Fingolfen dorms and features two sets of flame-patterned twin bunk beds and a single lone twin bed.  A red and orange dresser sits at the foot of each bed.

    Boys only!
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  • Celebrimbor Commons

    Located on the third floor of the Sleeping Quarters along with the Fingon Commons, this room is the meeting place for those in their fifth year at Aegnor.  The Silmarwen commons are larger than the commons on the two lower floors and are decorated in silver and bronze,a metallic motif predominating the decoration.  A brushed bronze fireplace is always ready to be lit and a handful of large gold-fibered chairs and sofas surround the hearth.  Doors on opposite sides of the commons lead to the boys' and girls' dorms.

    The windows, though large, have perhaps the best cover any teen could ask for.  Instead of curtains, there are metal doors that can be pulled over the windows to block out all of the light.  In each corner and on all of the windowsills are pieces of metal art, all of it connected to whatever it sits on.  One of the oddest things about the room, however, is that random spots on the walls and ceiling have priceless pieces of jewelry embedded in them.  Many students have tried to pull the jewelry out and all have failed.  Although...every once in a while a necklace or a bracelet, sometimes a ring or even a pair of earrings will appear on the mantel for students to claim.   All of the jewelry, that embedded in the walls and that which appears randomly, is obviously very old and very nice.
    2 Topics
    18 Posts
    Wed Feb 19, 2014 12:44 am
    helowahid Failed To Initialize 3d Rendering Indir Gezginler
  • Celebrimbor Girls' Dormitory

    The metal motif continues into the girls' dormitory, which is larger than dorms on the lower floors and features five separate silver-threaded double beds, giving the girls much more room to sleep.  A gold and silver dresser sits at the foot of each bed.

    Girls only!
    1 Topics
    1 Posts
    Wed Feb 19, 2014 12:44 am
    helowahid Failed To Initialize 3d Rendering Indir Gezginler
  • Celebrimbor Boys' Dormitories

    The metal motif continues into the boys' dormitory, which is larger than dorms on the lower floors and features five separate bronze-threaded double beds, giving the boys much more room to sleep. A gold and bronze dresser sits at the foot of each bed.

    Boys only!
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  • Fingon Commons

    Located on the third floor of the Sleeping Quarters along with the Silmarwen Commons, this room is the meeting place for those in their sixth year at Aegnor.  The Fingon commons are larger than the commons on the two lower floors and are decorated in red and deep blue, a mixed fire and water motif predominating the decoration.  A steam cloud-shaped fireplace is always ready to be lit and a handful of large striped red and blue chairs and sofas surround the hearth.  Doors on opposite sides of the commons lead to the boys' and girls' dorms.
    1 Topics
    6 Posts
    Sun Mar 01, 2009 7:05 pm
    Dovabelle Morningstar how I wish you could {{Dovabelle}} see the potential
  • Fingon Girls' Dormitory

    The dual water and fire motif continues into the girls' dormitory, which islarger than dorms on the lower floors and features five separatered and blue striped double beds, giving the girls much more room to sleep. A red and blue dresser sits at the foot of each bed.

    Girls only!
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  • Fingon Boys' Dormitory

    The dual water and fire motif continues into the boys' dormitory, which islarger than dorms on the lower floors and features five separate red and blue striped double beds, giving the boys much more room to sleep. A blue and red dresser sits at the foot of each bed.

    Boys only!
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  • Helyanwë Commons

    Located alone on the fourth floor of the Sleeping Quarters, this room is the meeting place for those in their seventh year at Aegnor.  The Helyanwë commons are about twice as large as the commons below them and are decorated in light blue and brown, a mixed earth and air motif predominating the decoration.  A fireplace topped with snow-capped mountains is always ready to be lit and a handful of large striped blue and brown chairs and sofas surround the hearth.  Doors on opposite sides of the commons lead to the boys' and girls' dorms.
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  • Helyanwë Girls' Dormitory

    The dual earth and air motif continues into the girls' dormitory,which is twice as large as the dorms on the lower floors and features five separate blue and brown striped queen beds, giving the girls even more room to sleep. A blue and brown dresser sits at the foot of each bed, and the dormitory features its own private bathroom.

    Girls only!
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  • Helyanwë Boys' Dormitory

    The dual earth and air motif continues into the boys' dormitory,which is twice as large as the dorms on the lower floors and features five separate blue and brown striped queen beds, giving the boys even more room to sleep. A blue and brown dresser sits at the foot of each bed, and the dormitory features its own private bathroom.

    Boys only!
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  • Telemmaitë Tower

    Students in their eighth year at Aegnor have the privilege of their very own chamber within the roomy tower devoted entirely to the Telemmaitë students.  A winding stairway climbs up through the tower.

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  • Telemmaitë Stairway

    The winding stairs that climb Telemmaitë tower, connecting the eighth year students to their commons and their individual rooms.

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  • Telemmaitë Commons

    The expansive base floor of the Telemmaitë tower functions as the common room for the students inhabiting the tower.  A motif of all four elements, with veins of metal running through it, covers the room.  The commons' fireplace combines elements of each of the younger years' fireplaces and the comfortable chars and sofas are swirled with green, brown, blue, and red.  The rooms of the individual students can be reached by the stairwell.

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  • Staff Tower

    A larger version of the Telemmaitë tower, this piece of Aegnor's architecture houses the school's large staff.  Each room can be reached by the Staff Stairway and is decorated according to the whims of its current inhabitant.

    Students are not allowed in the Staff Tower unless they have express permission.

    1 Topics
    4 Posts
    Fri Feb 27, 2009 8:25 pm
    Khiyyi Xzav Everytime you move I let a little more show. (Khiyyi) *MATURE*
  • Khiyyi Xzav's Apartment

    Just looking into her bedroom, one can tell Khiyyi is an Air element. It has a high ceiling and is painted a pale, pale blue with fluffy clouds on it. Yet, just as with her office, she has a huge balcony, the doors to which she usually leaves open so that she might feel her element as she sleeps. The bedroom is very neat and orderly, in fact her entire suite is neat and orderly. The living room is done in night-sky colors with glow-in-the-dark stars glued to the ceiling. And the bathroom is apple red and absolutely spotless. It's only when she loses her temper in her suite that one will ever find everything to be a mess.
    1 Topics
    4 Posts
    Fri Feb 27, 2009 8:25 pm
    Khiyyi Xzav Everytime you move I let a little more show. (Khiyyi) *MATURE*
  • Helena Ecco's Apartment

    Ms. Ecco's room is a blend of her classroom and her office.  Her bedroom is messy and disorganized, her clothes thrown every which way and her dresser covered in her alchemical work.  Her bathroom is completely spotless and the shining white tile is always clean and un-cluttered.  Her living room is split almost in the middle between organization and clutter, one side containing a massive bookcase housing her collection of cookbooks, her cozy little fireplace, and a large squishy blue couch.  This side is clear and uncluttered.  The other half of her living room, however, contains a large stained table and holds the bulk of her private alchemy projects, strewn carelessly about the table and floor.  The whole apartment is painted in a teal blue with brown trim.

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  • Samuel Weire's Apartment

    Mr. Weire, preferring simple things over exotic, doesn't really havemuch to show in the entirety of his apartment. In his living room, hehas a few pictures scattered here and there- but nothing majorlyrevealing. On one wall there is a huge bookcase, full of various novelsand history books. In the middle there is a large grey leather couch,facing a simple TV. Over in the corner of his living room are a fewweights and a treadmill whenever he's doesn't feel like going out. Inhis bedroom, he is not necessarily messy- but just a littledisorganized. There are a few clothing articles here and there, butnothing you could really trip over. On his night stand are usually twobooks, the subjects ranging from science to adventure stories. Hisbathroom is the same as his bedroom, not really messy- just a littledisorganized. His whole apartment is painted in different tones of blueand brown.
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  • Honeymoon Suites

    Last Posts
  • Guest Rooms

    A stretch of lavish rooms meant to house important guests visiting the school.

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  • Melwasúl Family Tower

    A tower full of suites meant for the descendants of Aegnor's founder, as well as their families.

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  • Hallway of Chance Meetings

    The infamous hallway where Arafin Melwasúl first met her husband, and one true love.  It is said that any chance meeting made in this hallway is fated and lucky.

    The hallway itself is a work of art, even if one only begins with the floor.  The floor is smooth, unblemished marble, untouched by the passage of time or by the many shoes that have obviously made the trek over it's length.  Yet it is the walls and ceiling that most guests come to see, the huge mural that ends at the ornate door at the very end of the hall, the door which leads to the Melwasúl Tower.  The walls and the ceiling are all black, yet there is more to it than that.   On the walls on either side of the hall there are magnificent streams of each of the four core elements: fire, air, water, earth.  In the middle, with each of the original four wrapping around it is the element of Arafin's husband, Neu'd, metal.  He was one of the first, and also the most prominent, metal users.  Then there is the ceiling.  When one looks up, they are greeted with the sight of twinkling metal stars embedded in a night sky.   And yes, the constellations, as Neu'd knew them, are there.
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  • Zemaryaht Village

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  • Ye Olde Alchemy Shoppe

    This shop contains everything you could ever need to practice alchemy.  From simple starter sets to advance apparatuses, Ye Olde Alchemy Shoppe is the one-stop shop for every student of alchemy.

    They also sell quite effective cold remedies.

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  • Bear Cave

    Bear Cave is the most prominent candy shop on Vastarsis, and very few Aegnor students can manage to pass the shop without poking their head in to see the newest confectionery creation.  Started by a powerful Fire Elessarian with a giant sweet tooth, Bear Cave confections are the best in the world.

    1 Topics
    2 Posts
    Wed Feb 25, 2009 4:26 pm
    Dulais Melwasúl Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows {open to first poster}
  • Following Fashion

    The largest Zemaryaht clothing shop, Following Fashion stocks the latest and greatest fashion trends from both the human world and Vastarsis.  No matter what kind of clothes you are hunting for, you can be sure to find them here. 

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  • Ale House

    A favorite stop for Aegnor staff and those students who are past the drinking age, seventeen, the Ale House offers superb brews and delicious meals.  Even students below the drinking age are allowed in, providing they don't sit at the bar or order anything alcoholic.

    There is a large banquet room that can be reserved for parties or other special occasions.

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    0 Posts
  • All the Pretty Houses

    Varying houses lace the village, containing the many different kinds of people that call Zemaryaht home.

    0 Topics
    0 Posts
  • Pupeteers and their toys

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  • 14 Topics
    43 Posts
    Fri Feb 27, 2009 9:56 pm
    Dulais Melwasúl Clouds Are Marching Along {Fenris}
  • Room Claim

    If your character is a staff member, post here with a description of their office/classroom (if they have one) along with their living quarters.

    If your character is a Telemmaitë, post here with a description of their room in the Telemmaitë tower.

    If your character lives in the village, post here with a description of their house.

    1 Topics
    4 Posts
    Mon Feb 09, 2009 12:21 am
    Samuel Weire Claim your room here!
  • 2 Topics
    2 Posts
    Sun Mar 15, 2009 9:47 am
    Samuel Weire I'm still here! O_O;
  • 1 Topics
    7 Posts
    Wed Feb 25, 2009 12:08 am
    Sorne Flint Yo, come introduce yourself...Or something to that effect.
  • 9 Topics
    9 Posts
    Thu Aug 04, 2011 1:30 am
    Arrolore  fish oil heart health
  • 0 Topics
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